Horleys Ripped Factors
Ultra Lean Thermogenic Protein
BEST FOR: Fat-shredding and muscle definition-focused training programmes (not mass building), weight management, as a fat-metabolism-boosting meal replacement, supporting retention of hard earned muscle especially during a low calorie diet and workout recovery.
Ripped is a thermogenic, a protein and a nutritional insurance policy all in the same container. Creating a calorie deficit to lose fat in conjunction with hard training can unfortunately result in muscle loss as the body breaks down muscle tissue to provide it with energy. Protect your hard-earned muscle by increasing your protein intake. Your body will take what it needs for fuel whilst also supporting lean muscle development.
Horleys unique thermogenic complex assists with fat metabolism and contains the top 8 shredding ingredients:
Caffeine, Guarana, Green Tea, & Green Coffee - to boost metabolic rate and increase athletic performance
Carnitine - to metabolise fat so it can be used as fuel
Chromium - to assist blood sugar control
Garcinia - to help suppress appetite
Bioperine® - clinically proven to enhance the effect of caffeine and other nutrients