Gear Aid Sea Buff Mask Cleaner

GearAid Sea Buff Cleaner 37ml
Specially formulated dive mask pre-cleaner and slate cleaner. Gear Aid Sea Buff carefully removes residue left on new dive mask lenses by the manufacturing process. 'Sea BUff' is a specially formulated dive mask pre-cleaner and also a very effective diving slate cleaner.
Gear Aid Sea Buff is required on new masks to carefully remove silicone film residue left on the inside lenses of new dive mask lenses by the manufacturing process and prepares the surface for the first application of Sea Drops™ or Sea Gold™ anti-fog formulas.
SGear Aid ea Buff also removes other residue accumulated on masks while diving or during storage.
Don't think Sea Buff is limited to just preparing a mask for its first use, then it's waste. Gear Aid Sea Buff is also ideal for cleaning diving slates without harming or scratching, allowing for easy cleaning and preparation of communication slates between dives.