Fusion Health Mens Multi Advanced

Fusion Health Mens Multi Advanced
Men’s bodies require an ongoing supply of nutrients to facilitate essential physiological functions like digestion, cognition (mental processing), energy production, the ability to cope with stress, and the maintenance of immune and muscle health.
However, data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics suggests that on any given day fewer than one in ten Aussie men consume the recommended 5-6 servings of vegetables, and many consume no fruit at all.
These dietary habits increase your risk of becoming deficient in key vitamins and minerals.
Exercising hard or leading a busy, demanding or stressful life may increase your risk of deficiency even further by elevating your nutritional requirements.
Fusion® Health Men’s Multi Advanced™ has been specially formulated with a broad spectrum of nutrients that promote men’s physical and mental wellbeing and support:
- Stress resistance and adrenal function
- Reproductive health
- Energy production and cellular metabolism
- Heart and circulatory health
- Healthy digestion and liver function
- Cognitive function and vision
- Immune health
- Skin health and tissue repair
- Muscle and bone health
Men’s Multi Advanced™ also contains herbs that have traditionally been used in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine to enhance men’s vitality (Qi, or life force energy), masculine energy (referred to as Yang in traditional Chinese medicine), sexual vitality and reproductive functioning, including Korean Ginseng, Withania and Horny Goat Weed.
The antioxidant-rich herbs Turmeric, Milk Thistle and Green Tea are also present in this formula.