Designer Physique Greens Boost

Designer Physique Greens Boost
Greens Boost is your “Vegies in a can”! Dietary experts state that vegetables are beneficial to the body, highly alkalizing and detoxifying, and recommended that you eat 3 vegetable portions a day. With an often hectic lifestyle preparing the necessary vegetable portions can be a challenging task.
Designer Physique has created an easy and convenient way to add a “portion” of greens to your diet with Greens Boost. It includes New Zealand grown Organic Barley Grass and other Super Greens that will benefit your diet…
Barley Grass and Spirulina
‘Nature’s Wholefood Nutrition’ – contains naturally occurring Vitamins, Minerals, Essential Fatty Acids, Chlorophyll, Anti-oxidants, Phytonutrients, Active Enzymes, Carotenoids and Bio-Flavanoids. It is well documented by health professionals that these elements are essential for the body’s well being and energy.
Natural algae that is the highest known source of chlorophyll. Also contains amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Widely known as a detoxification super food.
Rich source of Iodine.
A bioflavonoid that is necessary for the proper absorption and use of Vitamin C.
Features and Benefits
- Organic Barley/Spirulina/Chlorella
- Kelp/Hesperidin
- No Artificial Flavours, Colours or Preservatives
- No added Sugar or Sweeteners
- Premium Quality
- 15 serves per 45g