AST Sports Science VP2
VP2 Whey Isolate is a pure isolated whey protein scientifically proven to be over 600% more effective for supporting muscle growth than other proteins.
Pure Whey Peptide Isolates • Hydrolyzed Whey Fractions • “Bio-Active” Peptide Isolates • Highest Nitrogen Retention
Scientifically Proven VP2 Whey Protein Isolate – The World’s Most Powerful Muscle-Building Protein! Protein is protein, right? WRONG! That type of foregone thinking will stop your progress dead in its tracks.
Protein is the critical nutrient responsible for tendon, ligament, and muscle strength. The more effective the protein is at nourishing and supporting the recuperation and growth process of these critical links, the more injury-free strength, power and lean muscle growth you will be able to produce.
A new scientific study recently uncovered some startling new facts about different effects certain proteins have on supporting strength increases and muscle fiber growth.
This breakthrough study showed that VP2 Whey Protein Isolate increased strength in subjects 156% greater than other proteins! And this same study revealed VP2 produced over 615% more lean muscle growth while at the same time promoting a reduction in body fat!
Your muscular growth and strength potential is only as good as the nutritional support you provide your body. Feed it sub-par protein and you’ll get sub-par results. This is not opinion, this is scientific fact.
Flashback to 1992
In 1992 AST Sports Science revolutionized the sports nutrition world by introducing the first whey protein supplement. Since then, building maximum muscular strength has taken on an entirely new dimension.
Fast-Forward to 2017
Literally 25 years of continued development and refinement, VP2 Whey Protein Isolate breaks new ground in strength and muscle-building supplementation.
How VP2 Works – The Science
VP2 has enhanced absorption kinetics that shuttles large amounts of the amino acids essential for protein synthesis directly into muscle and other tissues. This enhanced delivery system relieves the metabolic burden on muscle having to supply all organs and tissues with these amino acids. This leaves a more potent supply of critical amino acids within muscle and promotes a more constant, uninterrupted state of protein synthesis, cell volume, and muscle anabolism.
VP2 creates a high level of cysteine within the bloodstream. Research has shown this to be essential to the protein regulation process within the body. A high and constant supply of cysteine channels protein metabolism toward muscle growth and away from muscle breakdown. VP2’s cysteine supply relieves the burden on muscle, enhancing muscle anabolism and strength. VP2 is also high in cystine (two cysteine amino acids joined together). This dipeptide is extremely rare in other foods and protein supplements. It is critical to the formation of glutathione within the body.
Glutathione is the centerpiece of all antioxidant and detoxification defense systems within our body and is the third biochemical pathway that leads to muscle growth and strength increases.
The research on glutathione’s relationship with muscle is clear. Heavy and intense training lowers glutathione levels. Increasing cellular glutathione leads directly to increases in muscle mass and strength. VP2 promotes elevated glutathione levels for dynamic increases in strength and muscle mass.